HVG Law ran­kings in Legal 500 2019


De Legal 500 ran­kings voor Euro­pe, Midd­le East and Afri­ca (EMEA) 2019 zijn bekend. HVG Law is dit jaar ver­te­gen­woor­digd in de Legal 500 ran­kings met 4 prac­ti­ce are­as en 9 advo­ca­ten. De ran­kings voor HVG Law zijn als volgt:

Prac­ti­ce are­as:

  • Com­mer­ci­al, Cor­po­ra­te and M&A
  • EU and com­pe­ti­ti­on
  • Employ­ment
  • Restruc­tu­ring and insol­ven­cy


Com­mer­ci­al, cor­po­ra­te and M&A – ran­ked: tier 7

  • Rutger Lambriex
  • Sijmen de Lange

Quo­te: “HVG Law LLP offers restruc­tu­ring and cor­po­ra­te gover­nan­ce together with its M&A and joint ven­tu­re exper­ti­se on both domestic and cross-bor­der deals and has a strong focus on the tech­no­lo­gy, agri­bu­si­ness, and food sec­tors. Sijmen de Lange and Rutger Lambriex head the group.


EU and com­pe­ti­ti­on – ran­ked: tier 4

  • Misha lutje Beerenbroek

Quo­te: “HVG Law LLP’s team repre­sents Alpro in long­stan­ding liti­ga­ti­on ini­ti­a­ted by the Dut­ch Dairy Asso­ci­a­ti­on. Prac­ti­ce head Misha Lutje Beerenbroek. The prac­ti­ce, which is part of EY’s inte­gra­ted mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­na­ry plat­form, also hand­les a stea­dy flow of cross-bor­der work.


Employ­ment – ran­ked: tier 5

  • Huub van Osch
  • Nicky ten Bokum

Quo­te: “Wor­king with cor­po­ra­te, finan­ce, and tax spe­ci­a­list, the group at HVG Law LLP  assists clients with all employ­ment and labour mat­ters ari­sing from mer­gers and inte­gra­ti­ons, as well as outsour­cing, works coun­cil con­sulta­ti­ons, and nego­ti­a­ti­ons with tra­de uni­ons. Joost van Lades­teijn and asso­ci­a­te part­ners Nicky ten Bokum and Huub van Osch are the key con­tacts who attract clients inclu­ding Air Fran­ce-KLM, Bel­kin, and Info­sys. The team acted for COOP on all the employ­ment issues ari­sing from the pro­po­sed pur­cha­se of Emté which invol­ved some 6,500 employ­ees.


Restruc­tu­ring and insol­ven­cy – ran­ked: tier 4

  • Jan Padberg
  • Johan Westerhof
  • Robin de Wit

Quo­te: “Jan Padberg and Johan Westerhof head a team at HVG Law LLP which is espe­ci­al­ly strong in trus­tee-rela­ted work; it acted as the trus­tee of Char­les Vöge­le which had a tur­n­over of around  €60m. Asso­ci­a­te part­ner Robin de Wit is acting as the trus­tee of Daan Auc­ti­ons, a com­pa­ny that orga­ni­sed auc­ti­ons for trus­tees in bankrupt­cy cases.


Over de Legal 500

De Legal 500 is één van de meest toon­aan­ge­ven­de gid­sen in de inter­na­ti­o­na­le advo­ca­tuur. De jaar­lijk­se ran­kings wor­den geba­seerd op basis van feed­back van cli­ën­ten en uit­ge­breid onaf­han­ke­lijk onder­zoek in de markt. Kijk voor meer infor­ma­tie over de ran­kings op Legal500.com.