HVG Law wins M&A Award for Best Mid-Cap Deal 2023

Acquisition of iDEAL and Payconiq by European Payments Initiative (EPI)


The acquis­i­tion of iDEAL and Pay­co­niq by the European Pay­ments Ini­ti­at­ive (EPI), com­pleted with leg­al advis­ory from HVG Law, has won the M&A Award in the Best Mid-Cap Deal cat­egory for 2023. These, along with oth­er awards, were presen­ted dur­ing the pres­ti­gi­ous Dutch M&A Awards on Decem­ber 14, 2023, at the Beurs van Ber­lage.

HVG Law advised Cur­rence iDeal in the sale of iDEAL by ING, Rabobank, and ABN Amro to the European Pay­ments Ini­ti­at­ive. EPI is sup­por­ted by BFCM, BNP Pari­bas, BPCE, Crédit Agri­cole, Deutsche Bank, DSGV, ING, KBC, La Banque Postale, Nexi, Société Générale, World­line, Belfi­us, and DZ Bank. ABN Amro and Rabobank also join EPI.

This trans­ac­tion show­cases the fully integ­rated spe­cial­ized teams of HVG Law and our expert­ise in advising on com­plex M&A deals.

The HVG Law team was led by Matthijs Driedonks and included Zohra Zahir and Vere Groenen (Cor­por­ate M&A), Gustave Bevers (Not­ary), Saskia Vermeer – de Jongh (Digit­al, Cyber & Pri­vacy), Jan Andringa and Niels Niggelie (Cor­por­ate), Joost Elsen­burg (Fin­an­cial Reg­u­lat­ory), and Misha Lutje Beerenbroek and Wouter Jans (Anti­trust).

Click here to view all the win­ners of the 2023 edi­tion!

HVG Law con­grat­u­lates all parties involved in this win­ning Mid-Cap Deal of the M&A Awards 2023.