Webin­ar “Brexit”

February 5, 2021



This webin­ar has already taken place.

We are pleased to invite you to the mul­tidiscip­lin­ary webin­ar on Brexit by HVG Law and EY.  This webin­ar has a focus on prac­tic­al examples of les­sons learned dur­ing the first month after Brexit.

The Brexit presents vari­ous chal­lenges for Dutch cor­por­a­tions, export­ers and busi­nesses, such as:

  • Are goods indeed stopped at the bor­der?
  • Why do com­pan­ies have to pay cus­toms duties even though there is a deal?
  • Why does my cus­tom­er no longer accept my invoices?
  • Who needs per­mits to be allowed to travel between the UK and the Neth­er­lands?
  • Who is leg­ally respons­ible for delays at the bor­der?
  • Should we rene­go­ti­ate applic­able incoterms or oth­er con­tract arrange­ments?
  • How to remu­ner­ate com­pan­ies incor­por­ated for Brexit reas­ons?
  • What are the leg­al con­sequences of Brexit for trans­fer­ring per­son­al data between the UK and the Neth­er­lands and how do I ensure leg­al com­pli­ance?
  • Do our UK employ­ees require a work per­mit when they are assigned to work in the Neth­er­lands?

This webin­ar is, in par­tic­u­lar, designed for tax, cus­toms and leg­al pro­fes­sion­als work­ing for com­pan­ies that are doing busi­ness with the UK.  Our HVG Law law­yers Scarlett Snethlage and Dirk Engelen will dis­cuss the leg­al aspects of Brexit related to com­mer­cial con­tracts, employ­ment law and data pri­vacy.


10:30-10:35:  Intro­duc­tion:  Caspar Jansen (part­ner at EY Indir­ect Tax – Glob­al Trade)

10:35-10:45:  Cor­por­ate Income Tax/Transfer Pri­cing:  Sebasti­aan Kuijper (part­ner at EY ITTS)

10:45-11:10:  Cus­toms:  Martijn Schip­pers and Martijn Vroom (man­agers at EY Indir­ect Tax)

11:10-11:25:  Leg­al:  Scarlett Snethlage and Dirk Engelen (law­yers at HVG Law)

11.25-11:35: VAT: Jer­oen Bijl (exec­ut­ive dir­ect­or at EY Indir­ect Tax)

11:35-11:50:  People:  Arnoud Driessen (seni­or man­ager at EY PAS)

11:50-12:00: Q&A

We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you to this Brexit webin­ar!



Friday 5 February, 2021


10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

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