Insolv­ency Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion

Resolving matters of insolvency


In the mar­ket, HVG Law is con­sidered a reput­able liquid­at­or and admin­is­trat­or. HVG Law handles a num­ber of prom­in­ent and com­plex bank­ruptcy estates. In a bank­ruptcy dir­ect­ors, super­vis­ory dir­ect­ors or even share­hold­ers could be held liable for mis­man­age­ment, illeg­al dividend dis­tri­bu­tions, or fraud­u­lent pref­er­ence.

It should also be avoided that trans­ac­tions are annulled on the basis of fraud­u­lent pref­er­ence. Our know­ledge and exper­i­ence as insolv­ency trust­ee makes that we can advise on these mat­ters to pre­vent liab­il­ity risks. Should a claim for liab­il­ity arise, we can defend your interests, in or out­side court pro­ceed­ings. We also advise on all the issues asso­ci­ated to recov­ery actions and asset recov­ery.