Child­ren of Heroes of Ukrai­ne

Legal assistance in setting up the European organization


The inter­na­ti­o­nal Child­ren of Heroes of Ukrai­ne Foun­da­ti­on (Child­ren of Heroes) sup­ports Ukrai­ni­an child­ren who have lost one or both parents due to the ongo­ing con­flict. Through generous dona­ti­ons, Child­ren of Heroes offers a wide ran­ge of essen­ti­al sup­port, inclu­ding huma­ni­ta­ri­an and emer­g­en­cy aid, psy­cho­lo­gi­cal care, edu­ca­ti­o­nal sup­port, and assis­tan­ce secu­ring neces­si­ties like food and shel­ter.

When Child­ren of Heroes star­ted set­ting up their Euro­pean orga­ni­za­ti­on by esta­blis­hing a foun­da­ti­on in the Nether­lands, they rea­ched out to Pro Bono Con­nect for legal assis­tan­ce. Pro Bono Con­nect mat­ched Child­ren of Heroes with HVG Law. Sin­ce then, HVG Law has assisted Child­ren of Heroes in numerous legal are­as such as employ­ment law, finan­ci­al regu­la­to­ry law, con­trac­ting, and data pro­tec­ti­on.


Reflec­ting on our col­la­bo­ra­ti­on during the past months, Nata­li­ia Laza­re­va (legal coun­sel for Child­ren of Heroes) sha­red the fol­lo­wing kind words:

“The pro­fes­si­o­na­lism, exper­ti­se, and unwa­ve­ring com­mit­ment of the HVG Law team and espe­ci­al­ly Olivia van Rikxoort to achie­ve the best pos­si­ble out­co­me and sup­port of Stich­ting Child­ren of Heroes of Ukrai­ne was tru­ly impres­si­ve. From our ini­ti­al con­sulta­ti­ons to the reso­lu­ti­on of the mat­ter, all team mem­bers gui­ded us with cla­ri­ty and con­fi­den­ce eve­ry step of the way. A pleasant and friend­ly atmos­p­he­re and per­so­nal sup­port accom­pa­nied the enti­re pro­cess. Their legal sup­port has a gre­at impact on the acti­vi­ty of our foun­da­ti­on, and they hel­ped to set most of the neces­sa­ry legal tools for our new­ly esta­blis­hed enti­ty. We have no hesita­ti­on in recom­men­ding HVG Law to any­o­ne see­king top legal ser­vi­ces. Their exper­ti­se, com­mit­ment to client suc­cess, and inte­gri­ty make them an excep­ti­o­nal choi­ce for legal repre­sen­ta­ti­on. Thank you once again for your exem­pla­ry pro­fes­si­o­na­lism and dedi­ca­ti­on!”

In res­pon­se, the HVG Law team expres­sed their gra­ti­tu­de for the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with Child­ren of Heroes. They are proud to have been able to con­tri­bu­te to achie­ving the goals of Child­ren of Heroes. HVG Law is espe­ci­al­ly thank­ful for the con­tri­bu­ti­ons of our col­lea­gues Davey Herfst, Brent Crijns, Liset­te Slag­maat, Vere Groenen, Olivia van Rikxoort, Jeannet van Vleuten, Mérien Voorboom, and Wil­le­mijn Jans­ma.