"Complex real estate financing requires legal and tax expertise."
Sander van Leeuwen
Partner / Lawyer

Sander van Leeuwen is a Partner at HVG Law and works in the expertise Real Estate since 2000. Sander specializes in real estate transactions, project (re)development and leasing law and litigation in real estate matters.
The last few years Sander was involved in app. 60 Real Estate transactions (share and asset deals, sale or acquisition of commercial real estate); such as the acquisition of the Rembrandt portfolio, consisting of 11 offices in the Netherlands (deal value > € 70M); the a acquisition on behalf of Coop of 50 EMTÉ supermarkets and the sales and acquisition on behalf of Q-Park of several parking facilities (deal values between €20-130m);
Sander advised Office Centre Beheer on the acquisition and subsequent sale of a portfolio consisting of 28 office and commercial properties in the Netherlands to real property investor M7 Real Estate.
Sander works for (international) investors, project developers and end users.
Additional information
Testimonial client – Legal 500 2021:
“The team is familiar with our business, one word is enough for them to understand exactly what we want.”
View the summary and testimonials of Sander van Leeuwen in de Legal 500 Europe, Middle East & Africa 2021 here.
In 2004 Sander followed the legal specialization course ‘Grotius Real Estate’.
Sander is a Master of Real Estate graduate (2008-2010) and has extensive commercial and financial Real Estate knowledge.