Short­er lead times of energy pro­jects: case study and roundtable with NVDE, EY, HVG Law and DIG


On Tues­day 22 Novem­ber 2022, NVDE, togeth­er with EY, HVG Law and Design Innov­a­tion Group (DIG), organ­ised a round table dis­cus­sion about accel­er­at­ing lead times in the energy trans­ition. The meet­ing was led by former Prime Min­is­ter and former EY part­ner Jan Peter Balken­ende. Rep­res­ent­at­ives of gov­ern­ment and industry dis­cussed joint actions for con­crete solu­tions to accel­er­ate the lead times of renew­able energy pro­jects. Such as legis­lat­ive changes, capa­city expan­sion and an pos­sible cov­en­ant to estab­lish mutu­al agree­ments and respons­ib­il­it­ies.


The basis of the dis­cus­sion was a case study of four renew­able energy pro­jects. Build­ing on research by CE Delft, NVDE com­mis­sioned research by EY and HVG Law in col­lab­or­a­tion with DIG into the lead times of four rep­res­ent­at­ive pro­jects divided into three clusters, cluster elec­tri­city, cluster heat and cluster industry. This study reveals 21 accel­er­a­tion options. In a pre­vi­ous meet­ing with the par­ti­cipants in the study, these accel­er­a­tion options were ranked accord­ing to feas­ib­il­ity and the degree of accel­er­a­tion it can yield. This res­ul­ted in a top five with leg­al and admin­is­trat­ive accel­er­a­tion options (a wish list) and a top four of what mar­ket parties can do them­selves.

Fol­low the link to the NVDE web­site to read about the full study and the man­age­ment sum­mary.*


* This report is only avail­able in Dutch but if you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Jacqueline Feld