Com­mer­cial Dis­pute Res­ol­u­tion

The dispute beyond


Com­mer­cial lit­ig­a­tion con­cerns the set­tle­ment of a wide range of busi­ness dis­putes. Those dis­putes may impose tre­mend­ous pres­sure on an enter­prise. In fact, a dis­pute situ­ation may pre­vent the com­pany from focus­ing on its busi­ness activ­it­ies.

At HVG Law, we under­stand that a swift set­tle­ment of dis­putes is para­mount. In our work, we go above and bey­ond to see past the leg­al frame­work of a case and focus on the solu­tion. In our exper­i­ence, most cases can be resolved through effi­cient dia­logue. We con­sider lit­ig­a­tion the ulti­mate resort. When need be, how­ever, you can trust our team to be per­fectly equipped to lit­ig­ate before any Dis­trict Court, Court of Appeal or (inter­na­tion­al) arbit­ra­tion pan­el. You can reach out to us for ‘emer­gency lit­ig­a­tion’ (inter­im-relief, injunc­tions, etc.) or pro­ceed­ings on the mer­its.

Cases we deal with, amongst oth­ers, relate to:

  • dis­putes con­cern­ing pur­chase agree­ments and ser­vice agree­ments
  • dis­putes with con­tract­ing parties like sup­pli­ers, fin­an­ci­ers, cli­ents and con­tract­ors