Blogs & Cor­por­ate cam­paign

Blogs and insights from a broad, mul­tidiscip­lin­ary per­spect­ive: The Big­ger Pic­ture

Fast, in-depth and up to date

Con­cise, clear and applic­able

On HVG Law Blogs & Views you will find cur­rent blogs, videos, infograph­ics, ana­lyses and inter­views about the leg­al dimen­sions of doing busi­ness.

We talk to organ­iz­a­tions and entre­pren­eurs who are con­fron­ted with major legis­lat­ive changes and to innov­at­ive organ­iz­a­tions that offer products or ser­vices for which no clear legis­la­tion has been adop­ted, but also to entre­pren­eurs will­ing to share their exper­i­ences with large trans­ac­tions, major reor­gan­iz­a­tions, inter­na­tion­al restruc­tur­ing, etc.  Then we high­light the suc­cesses, chal­lenges and mis­takes.

Our blog­gers react to cur­rent events on a daily basis, provide visu­al insight into com­plex issues and share their find­ings from the field, turn­ing them into use­ful les­sons for organ­iz­a­tions.

The Big­ger Pic­ture

Dir­ect­ors, man­agers and entre­pren­eurs have a lot on their minds.  There are many “issues of the day.”  For instance, a failed deliv­ery that needs to be cor­rec­ted, a cli­ent who sud­denly ends its busi­ness rela­tion­ship, an import­ant present­a­tion, a job inter­view.

Oth­er mat­ters are part of the big­ger pic­ture of man­aging an organ­iz­a­tion and go bey­ond today’s con­cerns.

Good man­agers are usu­ally able to put things into per­spect­ive and make the right choices at the right time.

But if they worry about some­thing, what would that be?

HVG Law dis­tin­guishes four “major” rel­ev­ant themes for dir­ect­ors, man­agers, entre­pren­eurs or CEOs. These will be addressed in more detail in our cam­paign.

In a series of reflec­tions from our vari­ous fields of expert­ise, HVG Law explores the fol­low­ing top­ics.

The Big­ger Pic­ture

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