Bank­ruptcy Van­Moof B.V., Van­Moof Glob­al Sup­port B.V. and Van­Moof Glob­al Hold­ing B.V.


On 17 July 2023 the Court of Ams­ter­dam declared the Dutch leg­al entit­ies Van­Moof Glob­al Hold­ing B.V., Van­Moof B.V. and Van­Moof Glob­al Sup­port B.V. bank­rupt. Mr. Padberg and Mr. De Wit have been appoin­ted as the trust­ees.


B2B: Cred­it­ors (sup­pli­ers):

If you have a claim on Van­Moof B.V., Van­Moof Glob­al Sup­port B.V. and Van­Moof Glob­al Hold­ing B.V., we invite you as B2B cred­it­or to sub­mit your claim online via Please make sure that you sub­mit your claim in the creditor’s list of the cor­rect entity, being the entity you have an agree­ment with (Van­Moof B.V., Van­Moof Glob­al Hold­ing B.V. or Van­Moof Glob­al Sup­port B.V.). Even if you have already sub­mit­ted your claim by email or via reg­u­lar post, it is still needed that you sub­mit the claim in Claim­sAgent. You can register as a cred­it­or through a secure inter­net con­nec­tion, then you will receive login inform­a­tion to access your own account. Please also upload sup­port­ing doc­u­ments for your claim in Claim­sAgent (e.g. invoices, order con­firm­a­tions, cor­res­pond­ence). As a res­ult, the claim is imme­di­ately placed on the cred­it­or list. You will receive an offi­cial con­firm­a­tion of this by e-mail.


B2C: Con­sumers (riders of Van­Moof bikes):

Inso­far you informed us earli­er that you have a claim against VANMOOF B.V. for undelivered bicycle(s) or parts, can­celled orders, or claims under war­ranty (POM), the fol­low­ing applies.

If you paid for your pur­chase by cred­it card/PayPal, you may be entitled to a refund of the pur­chase amount by the cred­it card com­pany. If you did not pay for your pur­chase by cred­it card, or if the cred­it card com­pany will defin­it­ively not reim­burse your dam­age, please sub­mit your claim online via You register as a cred­it­or by means of a secure inter­net con­nec­tion, then you get login details to access your own account, which allows you to upload any sup­port­ing doc­u­ments (invoices). We kindly request you to upload the invoice(s) and proof of pay­ment as evid­ence. The claim is then imme­di­ately placed on the list of cred­it­ors. You will receive an offi­cial con­firm­a­tion by e-mail.

The buy­er of the assets of VANMOOF is com­mit­ted to keep­ing VANMOOF riders on the road by open­ing up the ser­vice infra­struc­ture and mak­ing spare parts widely avail­able. They are how­ever not respons­ible for the past war­ranty oblig­a­tions of VANMOOF. Sim­il­arly, the issue of undelivered bikes is not a liab­il­ity of the buy­er of VANMOOF. The new own­ers are car­ry­ing out their own invest­ig­a­tions into this mat­ter. As we have no addi­tion­al inform­a­tion, please refrain from reach­ing out to the trust­ees regard­ing these mat­ters.

If you already sub­mit­ted your claim by email and/or let­ter, you still need to sub­mit your claim via Claim­sAgent. Please note that only claims sub­mit­ted through Claim­sAgent will be placed on the list of cred­it­ors.

If the buy­er of the assets of VANMOOF decides to com­pensate you, you must deduct the received com­pens­a­tion from the sub­mit­ted claim. If you already sub­mit­ted your claim but mean­while received com­pens­a­tion from your cred­it card com­pany, you must also deduct this com­pens­a­tion from the claim you already sub­mit­ted.