Man­age­ment and Super­vi­sion Act Leg­al Entit­ies 2021


On 1 July 2021, the Man­age­ment and Super­vi­sion Act Leg­al Entit­ies will enter into force with changes for the found­a­tion, asso­ci­ation, cooper­at­ive and the mutu­al insur­ance asso­ci­ation.  Fam­ily offices, trust found­a­tions (found­a­tion admin­is­tra­tion offices) and the semi-pub­lic sec­tor, in par­tic­u­lar, need to review the cur­rent gov­ernance struc­ture of their found­a­tion or asso­ci­ation.

We have pre­pared a high-level over­view of the key changes that can be found below.