Employ­ment Law Webin­ar | March 4, 2021

Japanese companies preparing for challenges in times of COVID-19


In a year marked by unex­pec­ted chal­lenges and rap­id change regard­ing the ways of work­ing due to COVID-19, there is still no end to the many ques­tions and chal­lenges employ­ers must face.

What are the leg­al aspects of work­ing from home? Can the employ­er make vac­cin­a­tion a con­di­tion of hir­ing or con­tin­ued employ­ment? What are the meas­ures and require­ments in the cur­rent eco­nom­ic sup­port and recov­ery pack­age? And how should the office be adap­ted, now and after the pan­dem­ic?

In a webin­ar on Thursday 4 March (9:00-10:30 CET), experts from L&A Law­yers, HVG Law and Solved will approach these vari­ous chal­lenges. Emilie Boot, law­yer at HVG Law, will provide a let­ter over­view of the labor and employ­ment law, related meas­ures in the cur­rent eco­nom­ic sup­port and recov­ery pack­age and explain the key require­ments in this regard.

There is also the oppor­tun­ity to ask ques­tions. After the Q&A, the webin­ar will be con­cluded with clos­ing remarks by Willem Vis­s­er ‘t Hooft, Board Mem­ber of Dujat, who also speaks from his exper­i­ence as an attor­ney-at-law work­ing for the Japan Desk of sev­er­al large Dutch law firms.