PSD2 is now also imple­men­ted in the Neth­er­lands


The revised Pay­ment Ser­vices Dir­ect­ive (PSD2) has now been imple­men­ted by the Neth­er­lands and this means that Fintechs can now offer innov­at­ive pay­ment ser­vices in the Neth­er­lands as well. The imple­ment­a­tion also entails the offi­cial open­ing of the DNB counter for apply­ing for the neces­sary licence.

Togeth­er with our col­leagues at EY, we have gained the neces­sary know­ledge and exper­i­ence in apply­ing for pay­ment licences at DNB. We will be happy to use our expert­ise to help you in the pro­ced­ure for obtain­ing a PSD2 licence.

Wheth­er you have ques­tions about the pro­cess or spe­cif­ic aspects such as the busi­ness case or busi­ness risks, we will be happy to help you. More inform­a­tion is avail­able here.

Are you inter­ested in a PSD2 licence?

Then watch the fol­low­ing video that dis­cusses the pos­sib­il­ity of apply­ing for a PSD2 licence from DNB.