Post­ing of Work­ers in the EU


The rules on post­ing of work­ers with­in the EU have been amended and sup­ple­men­ted over the past few years. In 2016, the imple­ment­a­tion of the Enforce­ment Dir­ect­ive in Dutch legis­la­tion res­ul­ted in a cla­ri­fic­a­tion of the defin­i­tion of post­ing and the respons­ib­il­it­ies of the author­it­ies to veri­fy com­pli­ance with the Post­ing of Work­ers Dir­ect­ive.

The Revi­sion of the Post­ing of Work­ers Dir­ect­ive, set for imple­ment­a­tion in 2020, will devel­op the rules on post­ing of work­ers even fur­ther, aim­ing for a more equal pos­i­tion of pos­ted work­ers in rela­tion to the work­ers in the host coun­try.  This alert gives you an update on the regis­tra­tion oblig­a­tion in the Neth­er­lands under the Enforce­ment Dir­ect­ive and the amend­ments to the Revi­sion of the Post­ing of Work­ers Dir­ect­ive of 18 June 2018.