Unique mar­ket pos­i­tion

Stra­tegic alli­ance

HVG Law has a stra­tegic alli­ance with EY Tax in the Neth­er­lands and is also part of the glob­al EY Law net­work. Cur­rently, there are more than 3,500 leg­al pro­fes­sion­als and 2,400 law­yers act­ive from over 90 coun­tries world­wide with­in this net­work.

Cooper­a­tion with EY Tax NL
Due to this stra­tegic alli­ance, we can bring togeth­er dif­fer­ent dis­cip­lines and pro­fes­sion­als. Exper­i­enced leg­al, busi­ness tax, reg­u­lat­ory, pro­ject man­age­ment, and tech­no­logy pro­fes­sion­als who lead the way in the leg­al sec­tor when it comes to block­chain and crypto­cur­rency devel­op­ments. This makes them well equipped to sup­port crypto­cur­rency issuers and also crypto ser­vice pro­viders on vari­ous leg­al fronts.

Cooper­a­tion with EY Law Glob­al
HVG Law, along with the teams of EY Law Glob­al, can help your leg­al depart­ment identi­fy and man­age risks asso­ci­ated with new block­chain tech­no­lo­gies. They offer a range of ser­vices that can be cus­tom­ized to provide expert leg­al guid­ance, oper­a­tion­al improve­ments, and scal­able sup­port.

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