Labor and Employment Law Strategic Global Topics

Ageism and the Workplace


Com­pan­ies need to devise strategies to man­age the aging work­force.

Some of the key chal­lenges are:

  • How do we cre­ate a work­place that both attracts and allows the aging work­force to be pro­duct­ive?
  • How do we retain older work­ers while ensur­ing that young­er tal­ent can be pro­moted and giv­en increased respons­ib­il­it­ies?
  • How do we make sure every gen­er­a­tion in the work­place con­trib­utes in the best way pos­sible for the best per­form­ance of the com­pany?
  • How to be “age-blind” – a true mer­ito­cracy regard­ing employ­ees on a per­form­ance-based sys­tem regard­less of a person’s age?
  • How do we ensure a “soft land­ing” for eld­er work­ers?

These are many of the key chal­lenges related to the aging work­force that employ­ers are facing today.



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