HVG Law 2022 rank­ings in Leg­al 500 and Cham­bers Europe


The 2022 rank­ings for Leg­al 500 Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) and Cham­bers Europe have been announced. HVG Law has once again received recog­ni­tion for the ser­vices and expert­ise of our pro­fes­sion­als.

About Leg­al 500

Leg­al 500 is one of the lead­ing guides in the inter­na­tion­al leg­al pro­fes­sion. The annu­al rank­ings are based on cli­ent feed­back and extens­ive inde­pend­ent research in the mar­ket. Click here for more inform­a­tion about the rank­ings on Legal500.

About Cham­bers Europe
Cham­bers Europe ranks law­yers and law firms across Europe. These leg­al rank­ings are based on in-depth ana­lys­is and research car­ried out by an exper­i­enced team of research­ers. Click here for more inform­a­tion about the rank­ings on Cham­bers Europe.