PSD II con­sequences for trad­ing and e-com­merce plat­forms: what is the impact?


The Pay­ment Ser­vices Dir­ect­ive 2 (Dir­ect­ive 2015/2366/ EU, PSD II) opens up the European pay­ment ser­vices mar­ket by reg­u­lat­ing the FinTech revolu­tion that is cur­rently tak­ing place. For trad­ing and e-com­merce plat­forms (here­after: “Plat­forms”) in par­tic­u­lar, the more nar­row scope of the Com­mer­cial Agent Exemp­tion may have a sig­ni­fic­ant impact on their busi­ness mod­els.

In this folder we will briefly explain the changes made to this exemp­tion and provide you with an out­line on what steps Plat­forms must take in order to ensure that they remain com­pli­ant with the new reg­u­lat­ory land­scape.


"A holistic view and risk appetite are key essentials for successful implementations and changes."