EY Law named #1 Glob­al Altern­at­ive Leg­al Brand

HVG Law is part of the global EY Law network


As HVG Law is part of the global EY Law network we are proud of the announce­ment that EY Law has been named as the new lead­er in Acritas’ Glob­al Altern­at­ive Leg­al Ser­vices Pro­vider brand index, earn­ing the descrip­tion of “glob­al leg­al super brand” on Octo­ber 9, 2019.


In Acritas’ annu­al glob­al study, more than 1,000 seni­or in-house coun­sel were asked a series of ques­tions about both tra­di­tion­al law firms and the new law/alternative com­pet­it­ors, includ­ing which pro­viders were top of mind, which were most favored and which stood out as the most innov­at­ive.


Cor­neli­us Gross­mann, EY Glob­al Law Co-Lead­er com­men­ted; “The com­bin­a­tion of glob­al domain know­ledge and scale with pro­cess rig­or and tech­no­logy-enabled ser­vice deliv­ery helps EY cli­ents achieve bet­ter busi­ness out­comes. We are thrilled to have the mar­ket recog­nize the value that comes from an integ­rated enter­prise leg­al ser­vices offer­ing and mul­tidiscip­lin­ary approach.


You can find out more about the 2019 rank­ings in this short video from Acritas or in the news item of Acritas.