Labor and Employ­ment Law Stra­tegic Glob­al Top­ics

2020 Edition #1


The ever increas­ing import­ance of ensur­ing health and well-being in the work­place

It is in dif­fi­cult times like this, that we can fully appre­ci­ate the need for close col­lab­or­a­tion between employ­er and employ­ees to appro­pri­ately address the mul­tiple chal­lenges related to a pan­dem­ic. As the spread of the nov­el coronavir­us COVID-19 con­tin­ues to accel­er­ate in Europe and through­out the world, it is essen­tial for employ­ers to plan appro­pri­ately for con­tin­gen­cies both to pro­tect the health, safety, and well-being of their employ­ees and to min­im­ize busi­ness dis­rup­tion.

Tech­no­logy has per­mit­ted a shift toward a labor mar­ket where the bound­ar­ies between work­ing time and per­son­al time have become blurred.  Indeed, the ultra-con­nec­ted digit­al age which enables employ­ees to be avail­able 24 hours/7 days a week/365 days a year and the pres­sures of respond­ing to a tsunami of emails across dif­fer­ent time zones, has its advant­ages and dis­ad­vant­ages.

We are now see­ing some of the advant­ages, as many employ­ees are able to work remotely and thus reduce the spread of COVID-19.  How­ever, the work-wherever-you-are mind­set can also cre­ate a strain on the health and safety of employ­ees.

So how can employ­ers adequately safe­guard the health and well-being of their employ­ees?  Employ­ee health and well-being is vital for the suc­cess of any cor­por­a­tion.  It is not an under­state­ment to say that it is one of key issues on the radar of HR pro­fes­sion­als world­wide in 2020.

In this issue, we explore the rules and must-do advice for employ­ers that require atten­tion to ensure the well-being of human resources through­out 37 coun­tries world­wide.


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